• 601-924-4220

  • info@birdsongconst.com

  • Amazon Web Services – Canton Campus

    The Amazon Web Services (AWS) project, Mississippi’s largest economic development project to date, encompasses 100+ acres and is located in Canton, Mississippi. This project is part of a $10 billion dollar investment that is expected to bring at least 1,000 jobs to the Madison County area. With an estimated opening date of 2025, the AWS project marks a significant expansion in Madison County with the acquisition of sites dedicated to developing a cutting-edge data center campus.

    Our work on this project included:

    • 107+ acres overall
    • 28 acres Clearing
    • 85,000 Cubic Yards of Stripping
    • 150,000 Tons Limestone
    • 53,000 Tons Lime Stabilization
    • 65,000 feet of drainage, water, and sewer piping.
    • 35,000 Tons of Asphalt Paving
    • 24,000 feet of curb & gutter
    • 1,250,000 Cubic Yards Unclassified Excavation & Undercut Excavation –
    • 1,908 linear feet 54” Storm Drainage